All you must know about Breast Biopsy

The biopsy is a simple medical procedure in which a sample of breast tissue is removed and sent for testing in the laboratory. It is the best way to evaluate if a lump in your breast is cancerous or non-cancerous and it also helps the doctors to find out what stage of breast cancer you have. Let us tell you that several conditions can cause growth or lumps in the breast. So your breast cancer specialist in India will ask you to get the biopsy done, before starting the treatment. Hold on before concluding yourself that the lump seen is cancer only, it is not necessary. This is why a biopsy is done to get an accurate result. In What Conditions will The Doctor Ask You To Get The Biopsy Done? If you and your doctor feel a thickening or lump in your breast. If you have a mammogram or ultrasound, the scan shows a suspicious sign. Your MRI reveals something unusual. Changes in nipple like bloody discharge, crusting, dimpling skin, or scaling. What are The Types of Breast Bio...