Importance Of Semen Analysis In Male Infertility Treatment

Couples these days often have trouble getting pregnant and the very first step that is required for infertility treatment in India is to evaluate the fertility of both of the partners. Research has proved that the problem could be found in either one of the partners and anyone could be infertile. And in order to be certain which partner possesses the trouble, sperm readings even if they aren’t perfect, can serve as a great guide to decide which type of treatment a couple might need. Top IVF specialists in India first handedly prescribe semen tests or analysis to determine male infertility. This process includes a detailed semen analysis that covers a number of points like sperm count, sperm concentration and motility rate. In a comparison of several other tests used in the determination of infertility in couples, a semen analysis report is declared as a standard procedure throughout the world. The standardization of testing the sperm concentration and semen volume is done for a more accurate calculation of sperm output.

Here’s is the list of the factors that play a crucial role in determining infertility treatment by the fertility specialist in India. Take a look and you’ll know why such a comprehensive test is done first by the top IVF centers in India before deciding a particular course of treatment: 


The volume of the semen measures the quantity of the man’s ejaculation in milliliters and as per the WHO, the ideal volume lies between 1.5 to 5 ml and 1.5ml is regarded as the lower reference limit. The low volume might be the indication of a partial and complete blockage or it can also imply dysfunction in the seminal vesicles or prostate. 

Sperm Density


The density or concentration of the sperm determines the concentration of sperm in a man’s ejaculate, the sperm count is measured in terms of the number of million sperms per milliliter. As per the WHO, a sperm count of 15 million/ml or above that is considered to be adequate. Any number lower than that might indicate that the testicles are not processing enough sperms which may be the result of Oligozoospermia, which is an indication of infertility in males and one must consult IVF specialists in India for that. 


Total Sperm Count

The total number of sperm or count of sperm is the entire number of spermatozoa present in the entire ejaculate. According to WHO, the lower limit (5th percentile) of reference for such count is 39 million per ejaculate. 


During IVF treatment in India, sperm motility indicates the number of moving speeds and categorizes them on the basis of their movement ability. The motility rate should fall somewhere between the range of 40-50% and a lower percentage might indicate that there are toxins present in your body due to smoking, alcohol, and chemicals from work or hobby and caffeine. The low rate of morality can also mean hormonal problems or problems in varicose veins in the scrotum. 


Morphology is the study of the shape of the speed and the number of normally shaped sperms is taken into account while calculating male fertility. The low constituency of the normally shaped sperms can decrease the chances of pregnancy. 

pH Level 

The measurement of pH level in the male semen determines the acidity in the semen. WHO specifies the normal range of acidity as 7.2-7.8. A low level of pH in the semen indicates that it is less acidic, whereas a high pH level defines it as alkaline and an abnormal pH is capable of affecting the health of the sperm and the way it moves.

Fructose Level


The presence of fructose is required to channel energy in the sperms and power their movements and its absence may be the sign of trouble with the seminal vesicles.

Liquefaction of the Semen 

Normally during ejaculation, thick semen is secreted and the liquefaction time determines the time it takes before turning into liquid. Although the normal time is about 20-30 minutes, if it takes longer than that or doesn’t turn into a liquid after that, then there might be a problem. 

The number of males seeking infertility treatment in India is almost the same as the female population and it is totally imperative that both partners get tested for their fertilizing abilities before getting into the treatment. People need to understand that the man’s fertility tests can eliminate a number of problems that are causing infertility in couples and the most crucial test of all of them are the Routine Semen Analysis. Medical value travel in India is on the hike due to the world-class treatment of infertility in the country, experienced medical staff, the success rate of IVF treatments and the great medical facilities available here. India is not only known for budgeted treatments but also for cutting-edge technologies that play an important role in the success of IVF treatments here. 


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